Day 48: Sunday, May 7, 2023

So I’ve been trucking along and almost am through my second month on Wegovy.

To cut to the chase, yes I am losing weight. And what’s incredible is that I’m losing it at a normal pace – an average of about 1.4 pounds per week. I still have yet to get to the full dose of 2.4, but next week I go up to 1.0.

I’m a little nervous to bump up while I’m away for work. But I know what I need to do to ensure I feel good. I plan to keep some chocolate with me so I don’t experience too low blood sugar.

As long as I eat a bit throughout the day and pop the candy if I’m feeling unwell or nauseous I’m going to be just fine.

I have a lot to do, so I’m going to cut this one short.

Until next time!

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