Day 31: Thursday, April 20, 2023

It’s been a busy week, and I’m struggling with a migraine, but I wanted to jot a few things down.

If I had to guess, I feel this way because I didn’t eat or drink enough today. Everything tastes so intense and turns me off. I didn’t even want a drink tonight, which is odd for a stressful week by Thursday.

The change is likely because I went up to .5 from .25 this week. I’m about to show you my first .5 injection that I did on Tuesday.

I honestly can’t believe I am posting this. But, this is me. This is what a body looks like. Other bodies look different, but this is mine. It is nothing to be ashamed of. And yes, I am basically just talking myself up to press publish.

This is vulnerability…

I didn’t end up being able to publish this last night because I felt so terrible. But I’m glad I came back to see it. I still am afraid to share, but literally no one is watching this.

I will report that on Friday (today) I was able to eat more than yesterday. 💗

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