Day 26: Saturday, April 15, 2023

New glasses!

As I come to the end of my fourth week on Wegovy, I am realizing how much more in control I am than ever before in my whole life.

Eating happens when I’m hungry. And stops when I’m full. I check in on my calories to make sure I’m eating enough.

And it’s working!

This week I enjoyed:

  • Drinks on the weekend (Tito’s with diet soda or water and lemon)
  • Wood fired pizza one night
  • Easter candy every day
  • Venezuelan empanadas and other goodies today

I also had salads and berries and macadamia nuts. Everything is just sort of in balance. I watch my carbs, but also can take breaks from being super strict.

I realized today that I’m letting stressful things get to me too much and I need to just take a deep breath, take a step back, and let perfection go. But this week marks something else important.

I took a chance and finally stood up for myself. Did I do it perfectly? Hardly! If I had a rewind button, I already know how I wish I had handled it.

But since I don’t have a rewind button, I will have to settle for learning better next time. Isn’t that what always happens?

But it’s amazing that despite the stress, I have been able to remain in control. And face my fear of standing up for myself. I do know that I’m a very hard worker and incredibly dedicated. But I’m self aware enough to know that I become overly hype about some things and I need to learn to dial it back.

But I’m learning and growing. And that’s also what life is about.

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