Day 25: Friday, April 14, 2023

Life got interesting this week. I had a lot of unexpected stress at work, which would normally cause me to over drink and over eat. But not this week.

I kept it under control. Tonight was Friday and I may have had a few drinks, but I didn’t go overboard after drinking.

I’ve learned that wine and Wegovy don’t really mix. So I’m saying goodbye to my love of rose and champagne and instead sticking with what doesn’t make me feel like garbage in the middle of the night.


This week I completed my introductory dosage of .25 mg. That’s four shots I’ve administered at home – it’s really super duper easy!

On Tuesday I double the amount of medication I’m taking, so I’m interested to see what happens next.

So far I’m down about 6-7 pounds in the first four weeks. I think that’s pretty amazing and I am very grateful for the genius scientists who are able to make a medication that can help heal me of an affliction I’ve endured my entire life.

Here’s to the next step in my Wegovy journey.

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