Day 11: Friday, March 31, 2023

I’m catching up on my posts. Friday was a good day. I’m noticing it’s a little harder to focus lately. I don’t know if that has anything to do with Wegovy or if I’m just tired.

I’ve been working nonstop for a while now. My last time off was in August. I did have some days off over Christmas but I, my husband, and my two sons had COVID.

And then I entered my busy season. I’ve been working so much for months now, and I think my brain is trying to get me to slow down.

I have been feeling a bit more hungry than when I started. But I am still more in control. I am able to notice the urges I’ve struggled with my whole life.

The mindless eating. The restricting. The binging. All of the urges are becoming more noticeable, which makes it a bit easier to control the urge.

So when I hear people say that taking a medication for weight loss is the easy way, I’m sorry, that’s just not true.

I STILL have to do the work to make healthy choices. I have to work through my decades of abuse and using food as a coping strategy.

It was a stressful week. And as soon as that stress skyrocketed, I first experienced a complete lack of appetite followed by a sharp increase.

I will continue to observe these patterns.

TTFN ✌️🤙

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