Day 7: Monday, March 27, 2023

One week down.

Well, I’ve completed my first full week on .25 mg of Wegovy. Tomorrow I will weigh in and see where I landed, although I prefer weighing in on Fridays – to be as far removed from the bloating caused by the previous weekend!

But once I get into a routine of weighing, it will all work out. Besides, the number on the scale shouldn’t be the only measurement of success.

  • Can I walk up the stairs easier?
  • Are my clothes feeling more comfortable?
  • Am I reaching my nutrition goals?

These are much more meaningful ways to measure progress. Weight can fluctuate for a variety of reasons that have nothing to do with with amount of fat in my body. My goal is not just weight loss – it is fat loss.

How I’m feeling.

Yesterday my appetite was greater than it had been since starting Wegovy. I assumed that was normal because I am getting to the end of week one.

But then today my appetite returned to the decreased levels I was experiencing. The nausea was less noticeable which was a welcomed change.

Lessons learned.

The biggest lesson I learned was to not have painful medical procedures done with food in my stomach. That definitely did not go well.

I also learned that it’s important to push myself to eat enough calories every day. I’m finding it is enjoyable to stick to the ketogenic diet, and I don’t feel deprived at all.

Finally, I learned this week that this is going to be a long journey. While I’m grateful for the significant change in how I see food, I know this is not a miracle drug designed to make you lose 50 pounds overnight. It still takes dedication, focus, and commitment to be successful.

Here’s to another successful week!

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