Day 5, Saturday, March 25, 2023

Today I spent the morning in the rain supporting my son at lacrosse. But I was freezing and tired. Walking around helped a bit, but I was so grateful when it was time to head back to the car to leave.

My family got bagel sandwiches for breakfast and I was easily able to resist.

At Starbucks, I opted for an iced green tea with just stevia.

And when the family ordered white pizza and mozzarella sticks, I was able to just take a bite of each.

Wine is not your weight loss friend.

I had a couple glasses of wine tonight and I can say that it definitely makes the appetite increase.

Despite this urge, I was able to resist and I finished the day under my target macro goals.

I’ll take that as a win!

But honestly, now I see what part of my problem has been. Each weekend I would let the stress of the week go – with wine, vodka, and delicious takeout.

I had the wine tonight but saved the takeout for my husband and son. It’s time to start also changing that and setting a behavioral change.

For now I’ll sign off. I’m super exhausted.

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