Day 4: Friday, March 24, 2023

Symptom check-in.

One of the side effects that is hardest for me is slight fatigue. I also notice that my depression symptoms are slightly noticeable, but I always experience that when I’m tired.

I also should note that I have significantly cut back on my caffeine consumption.

And…. Eating fewer calories can lead to reduced energy. Even though I don’t feel like eating, it’s important that I try and get some extra in my belly.

My nausea was much more limited today which was a nice improvement.

The other thing I noticed was that I also didn’t have the urge to have more wine than necessary. I had a small glass at happy hour and another small glass at around 8. And that was it – no urges to have another glass!

My macros today.

So how much am I actually eating? I can openly admit that if starvation is your goal, you can accomplish that with this drug.

But that is NOT my goal.

I worked hard with a therapist to work through some of the issues I have with my body and diet. I learned that starvation is not the way.

So, when you see my macros, know that on Wegovy it took conscious effort to make sure I ate enough. But before Wegovy, it took conscious effort to make sure I wasn’t overeating. A complete inversion.

Today’s macros
Macros before Wegovy

I read in a few places not to eat fat, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem for me if I stick to healthier fats like avocado, olive oil, nuts, and MCT oil.

So that’s a wrap for today… let’s see what happens tomorrow!

“You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.”

Louise Hay

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