Day 3: Thursday, March 23, 2023

Well, well, hello Wegovy. I see you now.

Warning: if you’re sensitive to nausea / vomiting, do not read this story.

Today I had a pretty crazy experience. I was going to get a little face tune up at my aesthetician’s office. As she prepared my treatment, I noticed I was feeling a little nauseous.

She went and got me some sour candies they use to help clients with nausea, which helped a little and we proceeded with the treatment.

After about 5 minutes I noticed I was not well. I felt the blood leave my face and my aesthetician saw it. She immediately stopped and asked if I was okay.

I was not.

She started my laying me back a bit but that did not help. I sat up and put my legs over the side of the chair. But the nausea just kept getting stronger. And I felt so hot. I knew I needed to stand.

By this time everyone in the office was in my room taking care of me. They were getting ice and watching to make sure I didn’t fall.

I was standing next to the chair, bent over it with my hands on the seat. It didn’t take too long in that position to get things moving.

Before I could say that I was going to be sick, someone handed me a trash can and I immediately was throwing up.

I’ll spare you the details, but I can confirm that my stomach still had breakfast in it, six hours later. I would say that Wegovy is working as expected.

Why did this happen?

I think a few things led to this.

  • I drank a greens drink quickly right before going to my appointment
  • The room I was in was very hot
  • I was shallow breathing right before getting sick
  • I’m new to Wegovy (😛 obviously)

It’s hard to say exactly what happened, but I’ll compare this to the next time and start identifying a pattern eventually.

Anything else?

The only other feelings I noticed today were:

  • a continued ability to be in control of my eating, and
  • some sleepiness (but I didn’t sleep well last night).

And that’s it for today. I think it’s enough though.

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