Day 2: Wednesday, March 23, 2023

Hello again. Here we are at day two. I wasn’t sure if I would feel anything yet but I definitely do.

Noticeable changes

For one, I am definitely less hungry. I find it pretty easy to resist temptation now and make healthy food choices to stay on track with my desired eating plan.

For those wondering, I am following a ketogenic diet, which I began two weeks prior to starting Wegovy as a way to help manage my mental health better (I have clinical depression and generalized anxiety disorder).

I didn’t see a reason to change how I’m eating after starting the new medication. After all, it’s not like I’m taking this so I can still eat like it’s a party every day and take the easy way out.

This is not the easy way overall. But I will admit that it makes resisting temptation easier to manage. And for someone like me who has struggled nonstop with her weight, that’s a huge burden lifted from me.

Hello, symptoms.

For sure I am feeling nauseous occasionally. So far it isn’t awful, but it definitely happens.

I’m also a bit tired and have slightly less energy than before. It could be due to less calories, so I am going to keep working to increase my caloric intake each day.

Other thoughts…

  • I don’t want to gain weight back after stopping
  • I am working to heal my relationship with food and my body
  • I am making my needs a priority

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