Day 1: Tuesday, March 21, 2023

My Wegovy prescription was filled and I was overcome with excitement. Could it really be true that there is finally an answer to my lifetime of weight struggles?

Those struggles began early in my childhood, and it was many years until a doctor diagnosed me with hypothyroidism. I thought that a diagnosis would have been the answer, but even though I got on medication, I still had a hard time with my weight. 

And now, during my 44th trip around the sun, my doctor prescribed Wegovy. 

It gets challenging to constantly be faced with unhealthy choices and resist, resist, resist. But when I would give in to my cravings, I gained weight overnight. I know that people will say it was water weight and there’s no way… 

Let me tell you – there is a way. I’ve lived this way my whole life. And it is exhausting. 

I started measuring my blood glucose and my ketones a few weeks prior to starting Wegovy. I cut way back on my carbs and increased my fat. (My goal in following a ketogenic diet is to support my mental health.)

My levels were okay, fasting blood glucose was 90-100 and fasting ketones were .4 (nutritional ketosis starts at .5). 

Qualifying to take Wegovy 

My BMI is high. I’m not proud of it. But it is what it is, and I have worked hard on it, but it’s tough. In order to burn fat, I have always needed to be very careful with what I eat. 

But because my BMI is high, my insurance company is paying for this as a medically necessary drug. I am so grateful because otherwise it is very expensive – about $1,000 a month. 

Filling the prescription

It took about two weeks to get the prescription filled. My doctor sent it over to the pharmacy, but they were out of stock. I called around to a few other places but no one had it.

But after about two weeks of back and forth with my doctor and the pharmacy, I finally had the medicine in my hands. 

Injecting the first dose

I’ll admit that I was a little apprehensive. Even though I am not afraid of needles, I had no idea how it was going to feel. 

But it didn’t hurt at all and it was so easy to administer. I took the pen out too early (why didn’t they make it so that the second click indicated completion?), but it was really fast and easy. 

How I felt

I definitely feel different already. 

  • Slightly nauseous
  • More satisfied with meals
  • Decreased cravings
  • Decreased blood glucose levels
  • Increased ketones

Let’s wrap it up 

Overall I am excited and looking forward to tracking my progress.

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